100 Doveridge Drive Duncraig WA 6023

School Philosophy:

Engaging students in their learning is at the core of academic achievement. St Stephen’s School consistently ranks in the top 50 schools for WACE and is a number one ranked vocational education and training school in the State, however, we are much more than buildings, books and tests; we are a community where smiles are shared and lifelong friendships forged.

All teaching and learning experiences at our School are relationship centred, inspiring staff and students to explore their place in the world. The partnership between parents and teachers is so important in setting the relational context in which our children may learn and grow.

Life-long learning is encouraged and modelled at our School. Our learning and working environment is based on five core values; faith, learning, service, care and community. These values form the foundation of the School’s vision and culture.

We believe that as children learn and grow they are empowered to imagine, to be curious, to question and to achieve. Excellence is something that we encourage all our students to strive for within a safe fun-filled environment. Quite simply, a St Stephen’s School education is Christ centred, student focused and community based.

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myduncraig st stephens

Contact the school

Are you interested in your children attending St Stephen’s School or do you want to know more? Simply email or call 9243 2108